gender indicators in the creation and implementation of open government commitments
Within the framework of the Feminist Open Government Initiative (FOGO), Técnicas Rudas conducted an applied research exercise with the aim of exploring the potential use of gender indicators in the creation and implementation of open government commitments related to the governance of natural resources.
The results of this research include a report on methodology and findings, a list of 123 distinct gender indicators, two practical guides for the creation and selection of relevant indicators, and a shadow report where we put the indicators to the test.
In this document we present the complete methodology for the research, the results of each stage, and some reflections on bringing these learnings into practice.
List of 123 gender indicators for extractive industries and open government, addressing 14 human rights items.
3. Practical guide: Gender indicators to measure impacts
This simple one-pager on impact indicators can help guide co-creation of Open Government commitments to ensure that the proposed policy or project takes into account the effect of gender roles and discrimination, by design as well as in post-project impact evaluation.
4. Practical Guide: Gender indicators to measure results
This simple one-pager can be used by civil society organizations or public servants in the action plan/roadmap phase, as well as in the evaluation of results when closing project cycles.
5. Alternative compliance evaluation of the action plans of Peru, Colombia and Mexico
We tested the gender indicators for measuring results by conducting our our own evaluations of prior OGP National Action Plans and comparing our conclusions with the corresponding Independent Reporting Mechanism and Self-Assessment reports.
These are some of the tools we used during the research workshops.